Fashion has always been a outlet for people who love to get dressed and try new things. But lately it seems like the clothing is becoming the subtopic while the body underneath is what matters.
Skinny or Thick the human body has become the main topic in Fashion and I have no problem with that. I feel that it is about time that people are talking about it actually.
I enjoy seeing plus size women in Editorials and Ad Campaigns because it is showing the world and the upcoming youth, to be more specific, that everyone is accepted regardless what your body appears to be. Rai (@raisaflowers) is one influencer who has been killing the scene doing Ad Campaigns for Savage Fenty and Gypsy Sport.
I also am a lover of the women’s body, i.e why I got into styling mainly females. It is very unique and has been the cause of a lot of controversy the past few years. Rather it be breastfeeding or just women wanting to show more skin, the woman’s body has been receiving a lot of negativity.
However, I love they way social media has given women an outlet to be their complete selves. Yes the critics are going to be everywhere but to be able to put on a sexy outfit and post a picture for hundreds and even thousands of people to see without getting booked for an Ad Campaign is speechless to me.
Also body modifications have been a huge topic as well (plastic surgery). This topic can be touchy but I feel that any human, not just women, should able to change anything they want on THEIR body. Society shouldn’t have any input in what someone chooses to do to their body. The Clermont Twins (@clermonttwins) is a great example because they own their bodies regardless of what critics say. They are 2 bad ass females.
Another influencer that I am obsessed with is Kellie Brown (@itsmekellieb). She is a plus size influencer who definitely represents for the plus size women. Her style is impeccable. Her outfits always compliment her body and she shows that stepping outside of the “norm” is completely acceptable. She literally brightens my day.
I encourage any female reading this to go out and put your sexiest outfit on and post some pictures to your Instagram and regardless of what anyone has to say OWN IT and own your body. Don’t allow society to say what you can or cannot wear.