Today's post is definitely overdue! I welcome Scottie to The Blog. He is a photographer from North Carolina and I have been following his work for years now. Especially with him being from my local area he has been someone that's consistently been on my list of "people to meet" for a while now. Scottie's work has literally been EVERYWHERE from Tumblr to Twitter to virally memes. You all have probably seen him before but if not you have definitely seen his work before. Check some out below.
If I had to describe his work I would say its very soulful and has depth and meaning, which all photos should have, but with his work, you can literally feel the emotions the subject has. He has been such an inspiration for me to actually push through the boundaries of being from a small town that's not really that creative or even supports the creative community. He also gives tips on how to overcome hardships in life and is very transparent on social media which allows his followers to really connect with him. Scottie is more than just a photographer is a what we would call a blessing. He is a perfect example of what the creative needs nowadays with there being such controversy in the creative industry today.